Welcome to my new website and blog!

This blog will house my random musings on writing, my insights into the publishing industry, news that might interest writers and readers, and samples of my work, both old and new. While I don’t claim to be an expert in any of these areas, I have learned a lot over the years and would like to share that with you. Sharing it also helps me formulate the disparate ideas into something more concrete and useful, which helps my own understanding just as much as it does for others.

I’ve been writing for 13 years, with my first novel started when I was 11. While I don’t want to bore you with my life story (read my biography for that), this might help you understand where I am coming from and how dedicated I am to art of the verb. Over this period I wrote a lot, both fiction and non-fiction, in a variety of areas.

I think it’s important to write regularly and widely, because our brains are just another muscle that needs constant exercise to produce the best results. The ‘widely’ part is often ignored, as people tend to limit themselves to either fiction or non-fiction, and then within their respective genre or field of interest. It’s good to try other areas, however, which can help develop one’s writing in new directions and improve the parts that are lacking.

I intend to update this blog regularly – I have a lot to say. If you’d like me to blog about a particular topic, use the Contact form to give me a shout.

And finally, don’t forget to Like me on Facebook and Follow me on Twitter!

Categories: Writing

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